• Bicom Vending Machines
    Hot meals vending machines , whenever – wherever
    A new concept for your lunch break

  • We are leading manufacturer of high-tech distributors
    New vending concept for every day life

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Bicom is a market
leader in automatic
Bicom srl, marcket leader in automatic distribution for hot meals, designs, build and sells its innovative vending machines all over the word.
Bicom is leading the way in automatic catering out of home.
The delivered food is pre-cooked and can be kept frozen, chilled or at an ambient temperature.
Bicom has developped a network of selected dealers thanks to which is prompting a new way to eat.
Our Vending Machines.
Your best meal.
The Vending Machine produced by Bicom are very easy to heandle, simple to use and able to suit various kind of food with different packaging, shape and size.
Conservation is safe and the storage temperature can be monitored continuously and even remotely.


Sector: Automatic catering
Type: catering hot
Specific: Hot ready
Ensuring: ready Meals
Production: Bicom Italian machines

Bicom has helped to develop and foster a new outlook on automatic meal vending. In doing so, it has achieved a significant goal by providing people with the opportunity to eat good, healthy Meals during their lunch breaks instead of unwholesome take-away products with our machines.
Bicom aims to provide vending italian machines that guarantee maximum hygiene, outstanding preservation and perfect heating of products while ensuring for a perfect Meals.

Automatic catering Hot ready Meals Bicom Italian Machines